Android Pre-installed Application Collector Project

Out of the box, there are many applications that exist on Android devices. According to some individual studies, some of these pre-installed applications are threatening the user's privacy and security. Since Android is an Open Source system, manufacturers and vendors can add pre-installed files (applications, libraries, certificates, etc.) to systems to be installed on devices. Although these files provide various convenience to the users, it has been observed that they exhibit behaviors that endanger the privacy and security of the users.

Even if there are studies analyzing these pre-installed files individually, the number of studies in which such files are analyzed collectively remains limited. One of the main reasons for this is that such applications are not available in the Android Application Markets like Google Play Store. The purpose of this application is to collect files that come pre-installed in Android systems.Thus, using the data set created, the effect of the pre-installed files on the security and privacy of the users will be analyzed. The application does not access your personal data in any way and does not send it to the server.

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TOBB University of Economics & Technology Human Research Evaluation Board Ethical Approval

You can view my presentation about pre-installed application analysis from the following link.

You can download our application from Google Play Store.

Pre-App Collector

Important News:

We analyzed collected pre-installed applications and sharing the result with who are interested. You can view analysis result from the link or "Analysis Results" button from the top of page.

Also, details about analysis results are explained and can be reached from link or "Analysis Exlanations" button from the top of the page.

Finally, researchers can access pre-installed applications that are collected so far from Kaggle. If you take advantage of this dataset and our work, please give reference to us.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about the project, you can contact us by